Concept artwork for an isometric co-op puzzle game, inspired by Dante's Inferno and the 9 circles of Hell. Inspired by the artwork of Hades and the art direction of Afterparty, I created a multi-tiered level design based on the 7th Circle of Hell, Violence.


The main goal of this design was to create a nightclub aesthetic using both subtle and unsubtle hints of Hell & demonic imagery. Using the typical multi-floor setup of a nightclub, I used each floor to represent different aspects of Dante's depiction of Violence.

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The entrance to the level is intended to be a surprisingly normal looking bar, with demonic accents of course.

A varying trail of blood, seen throughout the level, is the main hint at this level's place on the inferno. However, smaller aspects of the room, such as the Boilin' Blood Beer on tap or the suspiciously placed homage to GHIII Lou's axe guitar & pitchfork, are signs that this place is closer to the icy pits than one would hope.

The "Boilin' Blood Beer" is a reference to "The Phlegethon", a river of blood that violent sinners are forced to drown in for eternity. Naturally, it's the only drink that this bar serves on tap.

"The Wood of Suicides" is one of the 3 parts of Violence, with sinners cursed to live as a gnarled tree in eternal pain. A lot of the furniture, especially the Bar, was designed with this in mind; they are possessed objects that have 'grown' to fit the environment supernaturally.


Using the idea of backroom storage and alcohol cellars, I created a hidden loot trove accessible from the bar section. While the blue alcohol storage area is viewable to the player, the hidden treasure only appears once the player starts approaching the area properly.

The use of duplicate wing imagery was strongly inspired by the artistic depictions of biblically accurate angels, which usually include a striking use of extra wings.

The loot chests are more akin to spiritual candle statues, when the player interacts with them, the candle wick lights and the chest melts, revealing the loot.

The appearance of the loot chest changes depending on its type and its level. Higher-level chests have at least one extra set of wings, whereas lower-level chests will only have a single set of wings.


Most nightclubs have a VIP section, and this one is no different. The suspicious trail of blood still leads the player through the level, but they are welcome to sit and relax in the suspicious-looking VIP booths to appreciate the entertainment happening below.

wait is that a fight pit

Large environmental pieces (such as the centrepiece) fade out when the player walks behind them, allowing the whole floor space to be usable.

The VIP booths, similar to the Bar, were created in reference to the living trees of the Wood of the Suicides. The cotton-looking elements of the sofa may look fine from a distance, but up close they look suspiciously like flesh...


A Fight Club? That's more what you'd expect from a place known for imprisoning violent sinners. It's a good place for arena-like combat scenarios, especially when the rest of the club is a lot more dignified in comparison. Also it's fantastic entertainment for the VIPs on the floor above.

A unisex toilet.

Despite its shortcomings, Hell is very progressive.

This is the save point, used to re-jig items and character setups without being interrupted from gameplay.

As with the VIP Section, anything that blocks the player's view is able to fade out as required. In the case of the Fight Arena, the front of the cage will fade away when the player enters it.

The Fight Arena is made to encompass all 3 parts of Violence as depicted in The Inferno.

The wooden branch-like structure & foliage are references to the Wood of the Suicides, while the reaching hands from below are a representation of both the drowning souls of The Phlegethon, and also the suffering of those in the Abdomniable Sands.


The final hidden floor of the nightclub; the grungy basement. After fighting and thinking your way through vagrants and monsters, it's worth taking the extra time to reap the rewards.

As with the other sections, large environmental assets fade as the player walks behind them, allowing the player to stay in view.

The puzzle is quite simple, but it is complicated by the lack of light sources. The players need to explore the basement and use their initiative to spot the clues to an unlockable area.

The sign on the wall details the order to light the candles in the room to unlock the vault.

The player enters a dark room, emitting UV light.

When the candles are lit correctly, the vault door candles set alight and melt open.

The vault designs were derived from the artistic interpretations of biblical angels, with the earlier ideas intending to use the multiple wings as the 'door'.

I tried out a range of symbolism, ranging from generic Satanic imagery to Catholic Paschal candle markings.

The level-end vault uses a similar mechanic to the chests; when interacted with, the vault wick lights and melts the scuplture to release the loot.