A supernatural force grips 1920s New York USA, powered by a suspiciously high-brow cult leader hellbent on world domination. A struggling journalist is starting to put the pieces together, with the help of a friendly-faced scam artist.
Welcome to the home (and dedicated office space) of Miriam Felten, a struggling young journalist on the search for her big break. Her apartment may be cold, messy, moist, mouldy, structurally unsafe & generally uninhabitable... ...but it's the only place she can afford.
Evening lighting.
Day lighting.
Miriam's investigation leads, taped to the wall and always in view.
Film development tube.
Roll-film camera.
A testament to her power and status, respected Councilwoman Lilian Elsner's boudoir spits in the face of most average homes combined. Many around her question how she even acquired such a place, but those in her inner circle know that her authority runs far deeper than New York politics.
Tree cutaway.
Back wall cutaway.
Evening lighting.
Day lighting.
Every element of her boudoir screams 'Art Nouveau' elegance, which is further emphasised by the fact that this is just her dressing room.
A good scam artist needs a lair, and nothing suits it more than a converted shop space. Maybe, just maybe, with enough drapery and feigned 'mystery', nobody will peek behind the curtain to see the lies.
Day lighting.
Evening lighting.
Crystal ball variations.
Patterns used for pillows, rugs & drapes throughout the rooms.